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论著 | 更新时间:2015-06-03
不同切肝量对大鼠肝脏HSP 70表达的影响
Effect of different hepatectomy on HSP 70 expression in rat liver

微创医学 201101期 页码:9-11

作者机构: 广西医科大学第一附属医院微创外科中心

基金信息: 基金项目: 广西科学基金(编号: 桂科自0728123)

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目的探讨大鼠肝脏HSP70在评价手术创伤程度中的意义。方法建立不同肝切量的大鼠创伤模型,160只健康雄性SD大鼠随机分成正常对照组及轻度、中度、重度创伤组,采用western blotting方法,动态观察各创伤组术后2、8、12、24、48 h肝组织中HSP70的表达情况。结果各创伤组伤后HSP70的表达迅速增加,8 h达到峰值后逐渐下降,48 h降至正常水平,随着肝切量的增多这种变化更加明显。结论手术创伤后肝组织HSP70表达升高,于8 h达到峰值,提示HSP70可能是创伤后早期参与肝细胞损伤机制启动的一个重要因素。随着肝切量的增加,HSP70的表达增高,提示HSP70的表达可作为判断肝脏手术创伤程度的一个指标。
Objective  To investigate the significance of rat liver HSP70 in the evaluation of surg ical trauma degree. Methods  To estab lish surgical trauma models of rats with different hepatectomy. A total of 160 healthy male SD rats were d ivided in to four groups random ly: normal con trols, mild, moderate and severe hepatic trauma group. The exp ression ofHSP70 in hepatic tissuewas dynam ically detected byWestern blotting at 2, 8, 12, 24, and 48 h after in jury. Results  The express ion ofHSP70 in trauma groups increased rap id ly, peaked at 8h, then gradually declined, and reduced to normal level at 48 h. W ith the increase of liver resection rate, the express ion increase tendency ofHPS 70was more eviden.t Conclusion  The expression of HSP70 in liver tissue augments after surgical trau a, peaks at 8h, suggesting thatHSP70 may participate in in itiating anti-injury mechanism of hepatic cells. W ith the increase in the amount of liver cut the expression ofHSP 70 increases, suggesting the express ion ofHSP 70 can be used as an indicator to diagnose the degree of hepatic surgical trauma.






