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论著 | 更新时间:2015-06-30
The clinical value of ultrasound guide in mammotome system in the minimally invas ive surgery for excision of breas t lesions

微创医学 201003期 页码:209-211

作者机构: 广东医学院附属深圳市南山人民医院超声科; 广东医学院附属深圳市南山人民医院甲乳科


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目的探讨超声引导下麦默通微创旋切术对乳腺病灶的诊断及治疗价值。方法对220例312个乳腺病灶术前超声定位,麻醉进针引导,术中引导旋切刀刺入并监测切割过程,直至病灶完全切除,术后定期追踪复查。结果 312个乳腺病灶完全切除,病理结果显示,乳腺纤维瘤168个,不典型增生75个,乳腺囊肿54个,乳腺导管内瘤7个,乳腺炎性改变5个,浸润性导管癌3个,病理结果阳性率100%。术后3、6个月复查,除2例乳腺囊肿复发外,其余未发现病灶复发。结论超声在麦默通微创旋切术中对穿刺点的选择、麻醉进针引导、术中引导监测旋切、病灶的固定、确定病灶完全切除及术后是否复发等具有重要的价值。
To explore the diagnostic and therapeutic efect of ultrasound—guided Mammotome system in the minimally invasive surgery for excision of breast lesions.Methods Ultrasound technique Was used from the location of lesion before operation,anaesthetic needling,screwing excision knife pricking and dissecting until the complete excision of breast lesion in 220 case(312 loci)of breast diseases.Patients were fonowed-up regularly after operation.Results 312 breast nlasses were resected completely.Pathology outcome showed:168 cases were breast fibroid tumor,75 cases atypical hyperplasia,54 cases breast cyst,7 c8se8 breast intraductal papilloma,5 cases mastitis,and 3 cases infiltrating ductal careinonlll, with a positive rate of 100% .3 and 6 months after operation,no reoccurrence was detected except for 2 breast cyst. Conclusion Ultrasound is shown to have great value in puncture choice,anaesthetic needle guidance,screwing and dissec— ring guide during operation,lesion location,an d the monitoring of the dissection of lesion and reoccurrence after operation






