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临床研究 | 更新时间:2015-07-24
Clinical study of laparoscopic surgery for female patients with inguinal hernia

微创医学 201503期 页码:320-322




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目的 总结女性腹股沟疝的特点及腔镜下手术治疗的经验。方法 对31例女性腹股沟疝患者采用腔镜下经腹膜前修补术 (TAPP),术中常规置引流管。结果 术中发现股疝误诊为腹股沟斜疝2例;2例术中发现合并子宫圆韧带囊肿;股疝内容物4例为小肠壁,其中2例坏死行辅助切口肠切除吻合,1例为阑尾,镜下行阑尾切除,9例为大网膜,5例为结肠脂肪垂,2例为附件,其中1例卵巢坏死切除;术中1例直疝补片钉合固定,其余均采用无钉合;术后无明显血肿及血清肿,无明显疼痛,无腹腔脏器损伤、术后出血、感染、肠梗阻、术后尿潴留等并发症的发生。结论 女性腹股沟疝以嵌顿性股疝最多见,腹腔镜下行TAPP修补安全可靠。
Objective To summarize the characteristics and laparoscopic surgical experience of inguinal hernia in female patients. Methods 31 female patients with inguinal hernia underwent transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) repair. Drainage tube was placed routinely during surgery. Results Two cases with femoral hernia were misdiagnosed as indirect inguinal hernia, and two cases were complicated with uterine round ligament cyst. The contents of femoral hernia sacs consisted of small intestinal walls in 4 cases, appendix in one case, greater omentum in 9 cases, epiploic appendices in 5 cases and adnexa in two cases. In 2 of 4 cases with the contents of small intestinal walls, the small intestinal infarction was found and the intestinal resection and anastomosis with assistant incision was performed. The infarcted ovarian was removed in one case with the contents of adnexa. Staple fixation of mesh was performed for one patient with direct inguinal hernia and mesh without fixation for the rest. Hematoma, seroma and obvious pain were not observed in any of cases after surgery. And no complications occurred including injuries of abdominal viscera, infection, ileus, postoperative bleeding and urinary retention. Conclusions The most common type of inguinal hernia is incarcerated femoral hernia in the female. And the transabdominal preperitoneal repair is a safe, effective and reliable approach for female patients with inguinal hernia.
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