目的 了解南宁市街头无偿献血者的人群分布情况,分析其献血动机及影响因素,为有关部门制定有效的引导策略、扩大和稳定无偿献血人群提供依据。方法 采用随机抽样的方法,对在南宁市街头4个流动采血点1684位无偿献血者进行问卷调查,收回有效问卷1 477份,运用SPSS 17.0软件包进行分析。结果 不同性别之间献血意愿无明显差别,文化程度较高且了解献血知识的青中年献血者献血意愿最强,有亲属或伙伴参加过无偿献血者献血意愿也较强烈。结论 影响无偿献血意愿和献血次数的主要因素是年龄、职业、文化程度、是否掌握献血知识、是否有亲属或者同伴带领、是否了解无偿献血的权利。
Objective Aiming to the establishment of effective guidance and strategies and the recruitment and retention of blood donors, we analyzed the population distribution of voluntary blood donors in the street of Nanning city, and investigated the motivation of donors and its influence factors. Methods By random sampling, a questionnaire was conducted in 1684 voluntary blood donors from 4 bloodmobiles in Nanning city. And 1477 questionnaires were collected. The data was analyzed using the SPSS17.0 software package. Results There was no difference in willingness of donation between the female and male. In the young and middleaged donors with welleducated and with a good knowledge of blood donation, the willingness of donation was strongest. And donors also had a strong willingness due to the donation history of their relatives or friends. Conclusions The main factors influencing the willingness and frequency of blood donation were age, occupation, education, knowledge of blood donation, guidance of relatives or friends and understanding of the right of donation.