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临床研究 | 更新时间:2017-01-05
Complications of microwave ablation in the treatment of thyroid nodules and its prevention

微创医学 201606期 页码:866-869




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目的探讨超声引导下微波消融治疗甲状腺结节的并发症及其防治方法。方法微波消融治疗甲状腺结节2 200例,其中96例在治疗中及治疗后出现并发症。本文分析并发症发生的原因及防治方法。结果96例患者术中均出现不同程度的疼痛,不能耐受疼痛者12例(0.55%),术后头痛9例(0.41%),放射性牙痛4例(0.18%),出血5例(0.23%),迷走神经反射10例(0.45%),支气管痉挛5例(0.23%),20例(0.91%)出现咳嗽,75例(3.41%)术中出现高血压(≥140/90 mmHg),2例(0.09%)出现峡部皮肤坏死,术后1周峡部局部红肿,术中即刻出现声音低钝2例(0.09%)。在治疗初期12例(0.55%)出现轻、中度喉返神经损伤,均经对症处理后恢复正常,无血管、气管及食管损伤等并发症发生。结论超声引导下甲状腺结节微波消融治疗可能会发生疼痛、出血、支气管痉挛、咳嗽、迷走神经反射、喉返神经甚至气管、食管损伤等并发症,仔细操作并随着经验累积可有效降低并发症发生。采用“低浓度低容量”麻醉法及“液体隔离带”辅助法可有效避免颈部重要结构受到热损伤。
ObjectiveTo analyze the complications of ultrasound-guided microwave ablation in the treatment of thyroid nodules and to explore its prevention and treatment. MethodsA total of 2200 cases with thyroid nodules were treated with microwave ablation, of which complications occurred in the treatment and after treatment in 96 cases. This article analyzes the causes of complications and prevention methods. ResultsDifferent degrees of pain occurred in 96 patients, 12 patients could not tolerate the pain (0.55%), postoperative headache in 9 cases (0.41%), radioactive toothache in 4 cases (0.18%), hemorrhage in 5 cases (0.23%), 10 cases of vagus reflex (0.45%), 5 cases of bronchial spasm, 20 cases (0.91%) of cough, 75 cases (3.41%) of hypertension during the operation (more than 140/90 mmHg), 2 cases (0.09%) occurred isthmus skin necrosis, 1 weeks after operation the isthmus local swelling, intraoperative immediate vocal dullness in 2 (0.09%). In the early of treatment, 12 cases (0.55%) with mild to moderate injury of recurrent laryngeal nerve, by symptomatic treatment after returning to normal. No blood vessels, trachea or esophagus damage and other complications. ConclusionThyroid nodule in ultrasound-guided microwave coagulation therapy for pain, bleeding may occur, bronchospasm, coughing, vagal reflex, recurrent laryngeal nerve, and even complications such as tracheal and esophageal damage, careful operation and experience can effectively reduce the occurrence of complications.“Low concentration of low-volume” anesthesia and “liquid separation” auxiliary method can effectively prevent heat damage to important structures of the neck.






