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论著 | 更新时间:2015-05-07
A  clinical study on endoscopic submucosal dissetion in treatment for gastroesophageal junction lesion

微创医学 201501期 页码:7-11


基金信息:收稿日期:2014-10-29 基金项目:广西壮族自治区卫生厅重点课题基金(合同号:重200830)


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目的探讨内镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD)治疗胃食管连接部病变(GEJ)的疗效、可行性及应用价值。方法回顾性研究20例经胃镜及超声内镜诊断位于胃食管连接部的病变并接受ESD治疗患者的临床资料,总结手术过程,以及术中、术后、随访过程中并发症的发生及临床疗效情况。结果 20例患者经超声内镜检查,14例病灶起源于黏膜层,1例起源于黏膜肌层,1例起源于黏膜下层,4例起源于固有肌层。所有患者均能耐受手术,其中15例病灶均由ESD一次性完整切除,5例病灶分块完整切除。病灶长径1.0~4.5 cm,平均直径1.76 cm。手术操作时间为30~180 min,平均操作时间为84 min。全组病例均无迟发性出血、穿孔、气腹、纵隔气肿等并发症,无追加外科手术及与手术相关的死亡病例。20例患者术后病理结果:增生性息肉10例,平滑肌瘤4例,炎症2例,中度不典型增生1例,溃疡病1例,管状腺瘤性息肉1例,平滑肌肉瘤1例。18例得到随访,术后1~3个月内镜复查病灶愈合良好,未见病变残留、复发。结论 ESD整块切除率高,并发症少,局部复发率低,是治疗胃食管连接部病变安全、有效、微创、可行的方法。
Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy,feasibility and safety of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)for gastroesophageal junction lesions (GEJ). Method We retrospectively investigated the clinical data of 20 cases of gastroesophageal junction lesions diagnosed by gastroscopy and endoscopic ultrasonography(EUS),followed by resected by ESD at our Gastroenterology department from October 2010 to September 2014. The surgical procedure,intraoperative and postoperative complications during followup,and clinical efficacy were summarized. Results Of all the 20 patients,14 cases were proved to originate from the mucosal layer,1 from muscularis mucosal layer,1 from submucosal layer,and 4 from muscularis propria layer,respectively. All patients could tolerate surgery. Among them,15 cases were resected en bloc and the remaining 5 cases were resected piecemeal. The average lesion diameter was 1. 76cm(range 1. 0 ~4. 5 cm), the average operation time was 84 min(range 30 ~ 180min). There were no complications including delayed bleeding,perforation,pneumoperitoneum,mediastinal emphysema,and there was no need for additional surgery. Postoperative pathologic results were 10 hyperplastic polyps,4 leiomyomas,2 inflammation, 1 moderate dysplasia and 1 ulcer,1 tubular adenomatous polyp,1 leiomyosarcoma. Endoscopic review within1 to 3 months after ESD in 18 of 20 patients showed no residue. Conclusion ESD with the advantages of a high en bloc resection rate,a low residual and complication rate,is a safe,effective,minimally invasive, feasible treatment for lesions at GEJ.
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