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论著 | 更新时间:2015-05-07
The analysis of colonoscopy utilization rate of patients with irritable bowel syndrome in Nanning

微创医学 201501期 页码:15-18


基金信息:收稿日期:2014-10-26 基金项目:广西自然科学基金(项目编号:No. 2011GXNSFA018254)作者简介:刘春斌(1973~),男,学历,副教授,研究方向:慢性疾病防治研究。


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目的 调查广西南宁市社区居民肠易激综合征(irritable bowel syndrome,IBS)的患病情况及使用胃、肠内镜检查的现状。方法 通过随机抽样进行问卷调查的方法,调查分析人群IBS患病率、出现IBS警报征象及进行胃、肠内镜检查的情况。结果 南宁市居民IBS的总患病率为6.53%,女性患病率高于男性,其中年龄≥40岁者占73.00%;出现过IBS警报征象者占43.09%;无任何警报征象而进行过胃镜或肠镜检查患者的比例分别为30.10%及16.50%,存在警报征象而进行过胃镜或肠镜检查患者的比例分别为37.18%及28.21%,两个年龄组中存在不同的警报征象者组间行胃、肠镜检查的比例差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),年龄≥40岁的IBS者中行胃镜及肠镜检查的比例分别为41.00%及32.00%,年龄≥50岁且为男性者曾进行过胃镜及肠镜检查的比例分别为57.14%及21.43%。结论 IBS是本地区的常见病、多发病,较多患者具有加强随访及使用肠镜检查以排除器质性疾病的指征,临床上应该把握好筛查指征,对IBS患者进行必要的肠镜检查。
Objective To investigate the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)and the colonoscopy utilization rate of community residents in Nanning. Methods The residents were selected with a random sampling method and a questionnaire survey was performed,and the prevalence and the warning signs of IBS and the colonoscopy utilization rate of those patients were analyzed. Results The total prevalence rate of IBS in Nanning was 6. 53% ,with female higher than male. And 73. 00% of the patients aged more than 40 years;43. 09% of the patients had warning signs of IBS. 30. 10% of the patients received gastroscopy and 16. 50% of the patients were examined by colonoscopy in group A which had no warning signs of IBS. 37. 18% of the patients received gastroscopy and 28. 21% of the patients underwent colonoscopy in group B which had warning signs of IBS. And there was no statistical significance between two groups. Among those over the age of 40,41. 00% received gastroscopy and 32. 00% took colonoscopy. Among those male over the age of 50,57. 14% received gastroscopy and 21. 43% took colonoscopy. Conclusion IBS is a common disease in this region,and those suspected IBS should receive colonoscopy.
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