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论著 | 更新时间:2015-05-11
Clinical study on single-incision endoscopic thyroidectomy with routine equipment by axillary approach

微创医学 201301期 页码:11-14


基金信息:收稿日期: 2012-11-20

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目的探讨经腋入路单孔腔镜甲状腺手术的可行性、安全性及美容效果。方法行经腋入路单孔腔镜甲状腺手术53例,甲状腺单侧占位,占位直径15~50 mm,平均直径37.4 mm,沿皮纹于腋窝顶部做25 mm切口,置入自制操作通道,放置1个10 mm观察孔和2个5 mm操作孔,使用超声刀切除单侧大部分或全部甲状腺。结果 51例顺利完成经腋入路单孔腔镜甲状腺手术,2例中转开放手术,顺利完成单孔手术时间83~175 min,平均112 min,术中出血量5~50 mL,平均10.2 mL,术后住院时间平均3.1 d,术后病理24例为结节性甲状腺肿,24例为甲状腺腺瘤,5例为甲状腺癌,其中4例术后追加根治手术,1例予内分泌治疗。术后2例出现局部积液,无气管、喉返神经、甲状旁腺损伤等并发症。术后经2~20个月随访,美容评分为8.6分,未见肿瘤复发。结论经腋窝入路单孔腹腔镜甲状腺手术,无需特殊器械,手术安全可行,但需选择恰当的病例。
Objective To evaluate the safety,feasibility,and cosmetology of single-incision endoscopic thyroidectomy ( SIET) with routine equipment by the axillary approach. Methods Trans-axillary SIET with routine equipment was performed in 53 cases with unilateral thyroid nodule( mean size 37. 4 mm in diameter, ranged from 15 to 50 mm) . One 25mm skin incision in the middle of axillary fossa were made along the cleavage lines,self-made single-Incision operation channel was placed,one 10-mm two 5-mm trocars were inserted through the single-incision t channels,and most or total thyroid were removed by harmonic scalpel. Results 51 cases were successful underwent SIET,with only 2 cases converted to open procedures. Operating time of SIEP was about 83 to 175 min with a mean of 112 min,the mean blood loss were 10. 2 ml( 5 - 50 ml) , and the patients were discharged averagely in 3. 1 days. The postoperative pathological results included 24 cases of thyroid adenoma,24 cases of nodular goiter,5 cases of papillary thyroid carcinoma ( 4 were performed additionally with radical thyroidectomy,and one endocrinological treatment ) . 2 subcutaneous hydrops were reported,but without complication like injury in airtube,aryngeal nerve,or parathyroid gland. All patients were followed up for 2 months to 20 months,and cosmetic score was 8. 6. No recurrence occurred. Conclusions Based on appropriated selection of patients,trans-axillary SIET without any special instrument is safe and feasible with good cosmetic results.
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