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论著 | 更新时间:2020-05-25
Clinical study on multi-modality image-guided arterial embolectomy beyond time window in the treatment of acute cerebral infarction

微创医学 20201502期 页码:149-151+180




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目的研究多模影像指导下超时间窗动脉取栓术治疗急性脑梗死(ACI)的临床疗效。方法选择106例ACI患者按照随机数字表法分为治疗组和对照组,各53例,治疗组行多模影像指导下超时间窗动脉取栓术,对照组行静脉溶栓治疗。比较两组患者手术相关指标、血管再通成功率、术前和术后神经功能缺损程度以及术后并发症情况。结果治疗组患者血管再通时间以及住院时间明显少于对照组,血管再通成功率明显高于对照组(90.57% vs. 50.94%),总并发症发生率明显低于对照组(3.77% vs. 20.75%)(均P<0.05);两组患者的下床活动时间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组患者术后1 d、1个月以及3个月神经功能缺损评分(NIHSS)和改良Rankin量表(mRS)评分均较术前降低,治疗组患者评分降低更为明显(均P<0.05)。结论多模影像指导下超时间窗动脉取栓术治疗ACI安全有效,可显著缩短血管再通时间及住院时间,提高血管再通成功率,改善患者神经缺损,促进患者恢复。
ObjectiveTo study the clinical efficacy of multi-modality image-guided arterial embolectomy beyond time window for the treatment of acute cerebral infarction (ACI). MethodsA total of 106 patients with ACI were divided into treatment group and control group according to the random number table method, with 53 cases in each group. The treatment group underwent multi-modality image-guided arterial embolectomy beyond time window, whereas the control group underwent intravenous thrombolysis. Operation-related indicators, success rate of vascular recanalization, pre- and postoperative neurological deficit severity, and postoperative complications were compared between the two groups. ResultsCompared to the control group, the treatment group obtained less vascular recanalization time and hospital stay, higher success rate of vascular recanalization (90.57% vs. 50.94%), lower total incidence rate of complications (3.77% vs. 20.75%) (all P<0.05); there was no statistically significant difference in out-of-bed activity time (P>0.05); the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scores and the modified Rankin scale (mRS) scores one day, one month and three months after surgery decreased in both groups compared to those before surgery, and the decrease was more significant in the treatment group (all P<0.05). ConclusionMulti-modality image-guided arterial embolectomy beyond time window is safe and effective in the treatment of ACI, which can significantly shorten vascular recanalization time and hospital stay, improve the success rate of vascular recanalization, improve neurological deficits and facilitate the recovery of patients.






