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论著 | 更新时间:2022-04-01
Effects of total arthroscopic surgery versus arthroscopic debridement combined with posterior open resection for popliteal fossa cyst: a comparative study

微创医学 20221701期 页码:38-41

作者机构:1 广州新海医院,广东省广州市510080;2 广东省妇幼保健院,广东省广州市510010;3 佛山市三水区人民医院,广东省佛山市528100



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目的对比全关节镜手术与关节镜下清理联合后路开放切除术治疗腘窝囊肿的临床疗效。方法 选取60例腘窝囊肿患者并随机分为两组,各30例。观察组行双后内侧入路全关节镜手术治疗,对照组行关节镜下清理联合后路开放切除术治疗。对比两组患者的临床指标、手术前后的VAS评分及膝关节功能Lysholm评分、并发症发生率,以及术后半年复发情况。结果观察组患者手术时间、切口总长度短于对照组,出血量少于对照组(均P<0.05)。术后两组患者的VAS 评分较术前降低,Lysholm评分较术前升高,且观察组术后的VAS评分低于对照组,Lysholm评分高于对照组(均P<0.05)。术后半年,对照组出现2例囊肿复发,观察组无复发病例,组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组均无神经血管损伤、感染、关节粘连等并发症发生。结论双后内侧入路全关节镜手术与关节镜下清理联合后路开放切除术都能较好地治疗腘窝囊肿。但双后内侧入路全关节镜下手术治疗效果更显著,手术切口小,手术时间短,术中出血量少,术后恢复快,是目前更值得临床推广的手术方式。
ObjectiveTo compare the clinical efficacy of total arthroscopic surgery with arthroscopic debridement combined with posterior open resection for popliteal fossa cyst. MethodsSixty patients with popliteal fossa cyst were selected and randomly assigned to two groups, with 30 cases in each group. Total arthroscopic surgery via double posteromedial approach was employed in the observation group, whereas arthroscopic debridement combined with posterior open resection was conducted to the control group. Clinical indices, pre- and postoperative VAS scores, knee joint function Lysholm scores, the incidence of complications, and the recurrence states half year after surgery were compared between both groups. ResultsThe observation group exhibited shorter operation duration and incision length, and less bleeding volume as compared with the control group (all P<0.05). Both groups demonstrated lower VAS scores but higher Lysholm scores after surgery than before surgery, and the observation group yielded a lower VAS score but a higher Lysholm score after surgery in comparison of the control group (all P<0.05). Half year after surgery, two cases reoccurred cyst in the control group, whereas no reoccurred cases in the observation group was found, with no statistically significant difference between both groups (P>0.05). No complication like neurovascular injury, infection and synarthrophysis etc. occurred in both groups. ConclusionBoth techniques, i.e. total arthroscopic surgery via double posteromedial approach or arthroscopic debridement combined with posterior open resection, can well treat popliteal fossa cyst; however, total arthroscopic surgery via double posteromedial approach has more significantly therapeutic effects, and it has small surgical incision, short operation duration, minor intraoperative bleeding volume, and rapid postoperative recovery, and thus it is more worthwhile for clinical promotion at present.






