目的探讨急性缺血性肾损伤大鼠肾脏组织血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)与肾小管坏死评分的相关性。方法将60只大鼠随机分为假手术组和手术组两组,每组按术后时间不同各分为6 h、12 h、24 h、36 h、72 h组。手术组建立大鼠肾脏缺血再灌注损伤(IRI)模型,检测IRI术后各个时间段肾脏组织VEGF表达变化,并与肾功能、肾小管坏死评分结果做相关性分析。结果①手术组术后6 h血清BUN、sCr已经显著升高,高峰期在术后48 h(P<0.05)。②手术组肾小管坏死评分随时间的延长逐渐增高(P<0.01);肾小管坏死评分最高在手术48 h组(P<0.01)。③手术后6 h肾小管内VEGF表达显著增多(P<0.01),手术后12 h达高峰,于手术后24 h开始下降,并于手术后72小时肾小管内VEGF表达与假手术组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。④肾小管VEGF表达水平与血BUN、sCr、肾小管坏死评分呈正相关(P<0.05)。结论①该肾脏IRI模型中肾功能损害最严重是在手术后48 h;②在肾IRI模型中,肾小管坏死是肾功能损害的最主要因素;③肾小管内VEGF表达增高程度可以作为反映肾脏IRI严重程度的指标。
Objective To investigate the relationship between the expression of VEGF in renal tissues and renal tubular necrosis score of rat with ischemic reperfusion injury. Methods Sixty rats were first randomly divided into sham operation group or operation group,and then each were divided into 6h,12h,36h or 72h subgroup according to the time after operation. Operation group were build with renal ischemic reperfusion injury ( IRI) model. VEGF of renal tissue of different times after operation were measured and relative analysis was made between renal function and renal tubular necrosis score. Result ( 1) Plasma levels of BUN and Cr significantly increased 6h after reperfusion( P < 0. 05) ,and reached their peak in 48 hour. ( 2) Renal tubular necrosis score significantly increased 6h after reperfusion,and reached its peak in 48h ( P < 0. 05) . ( 3) Expression of VEGF in renal tubule significantly increased from 6h to 48h post-reperfusion, reached its peak in 12h post-reperfusion( P < 0. 01) , and was closed to that of control at 72h post-reperfusion. ( 4) Expression of nephric tubule VEGF was positively correlated with BUN,sCr or renal tubular necrosis score ( P < 0. 05) . Conclusion ( 1) Renal function is damaged most on 48h post-reperfusion in renal IRI model. ( 2) Renal tubular necrosis is the main factor of the renal lesions in renal IRI model. ( 3) Over expression latitude of tubule VEGF can serve as an indicator of the severity of renal lesions.